Most people tend to avoid the negative, and only look for the positive, thinking that only the positive will make them happy. However, I believe that balance of the negative and positive is important in life, especially when we talk about comments about you. Hearing positive comments from other people all the time will not help you grow. It is definitely good to hear positive things such as you did well on this and that. Compliments and Rewards are strong elements for people’s growth. We get more excited and have more energy to work further, because we want more things. But, we also should know how to take negative comments as well, and take an advantage of hearing them. Sometimes negative feedback is the right answer when your colleagues see a way to make you work easier and faster. You should not take it personally. He/she probably just wanted to help you. Birnbaum says that on page 89, “polarities and dualities as well as assorted complementary positive/negatives are the building blocks.” We should not only know how to respond to reward but also the negative.
Polarities and Dualities
as well as assorted complementary
Positives / Negatives,
and counter-point balancers
of the cosmic order
(Articulation of this concept – whose core is not original
– commenced in God and Evil…. The ‘spin’ may be
original, but there is, indeed, voluminous literature
on the subject in many cultures and many languages
stretching back thousands of years)
대분분의 사람들은 부정적인것을 피하려고만 하고 긍정적인 칭찬이나 코멘트만을 좋아하곤 한다. 그런 긍정적인것들만이 우리를 행복하게 할수있다고 생각하기 때문이다. 나는 긍정적인것들과 부정적인것들의 밸런스가 있어야 한다고 생각한다. 그것이 인생에서 중요한것같다. 특히 당신스스로에대한 코멘트에대해서 말이다. 다른사람들로 부터 듣는 칭찬들은 우리를 기쁘게하고 우리가 더 일을 하고싶게 만들수 있다. 하지만 부정적인 말을 들었을경우, 개인적으로 너무 속상해하지 말고, 그것의 이익을 얻어야한다. 우리가 무엇을 잘못했는지, 어떻게 무엇을 향상시켜야 하는지 생각해볼수 있는 좋은 기회라고 생각한다. 범바움은 책 89쪽에서 “긍정적인것들과 부정적인것들의 합친 양극성이 우리의 삶을 형성하는데 중요하다”고 말한다.