
Balance of the negative and the positive

Most people tend to avoid the negative, and only look for the positive, thinking that only the positive will make them happy. However, I believe that balance of the negative and positive is important in life, especially when we talk about comments about you. Hearing positive comments from other people all the time will not help you grow. It is definitely good to hear positive things such as you did well on this and that. Compliments and Rewards are strong elements for people’s growth. We get more excited and have more energy to work further, because we want more things. But, we also should know how to take negative comments as well, and take an advantage of hearing them. Sometimes negative feedback is the right answer when your colleagues see a way to make you work easier and faster. You should not take it personally. He/she probably just wanted to help you. Birnbaum says that on page 89, “polarities and dualities as well as assorted complementary positive/negatives are the building blocks.” We should not only know how to respond to reward but also the negative.



Polarities and Dualities
as well as assorted complementary
Positives / Negatives,
and counter-point balancers
of the cosmic order
(Articulation of this concept – whose core is not original
– commenced in God and Evil…. The ‘spin’ may be
original, but there is, indeed, voluminous literature
on the subject in many cultures and many languages
stretching back thousands of years)

대분분의 사람들은 부정적인것을 피하려고만 하고 긍정적인 칭찬이나 코멘트만을 좋아하곤 한다. 그런 긍정적인것들만이 우리를 행복하게 할수있다고 생각하기 때문이다. 나는 긍정적인것들과 부정적인것들의 밸런스가 있어야 한다고 생각한다. 그것이 인생에서 중요한것같다. 특히 당신스스로에대한 코멘트에대해서 말이다. 다른사람들로 부터 듣는 칭찬들은 우리를 기쁘게하고 우리가 더 일을 하고싶게 만들수 있다. 하지만 부정적인 말을 들었을경우, 개인적으로 너무 속상해하지 말고, 그것의 이익을 얻어야한다. 우리가 무엇을 잘못했는지, 어떻게 무엇을 향상시켜야 하는지 생각해볼수 있는 좋은 기회라고 생각한다. 범바움은 책 89쪽에서 “긍정적인것들과 부정적인것들의 합친 양극성이 우리의 삶을 형성하는데 중요하다”고 말한다.

Existence of God?

Have you ever been asked why evil exists by your friends and family? or even co- workers? If so, how did you answer ? If not, can you guess how you would answer to your friends, family and co-workers? I believe that almost everyone would at least once in their lives ask this and question this…

One of the most controversial questions we have brings  the problem of evil. Why is there evil if there is God ? Why does God allow us to suffer ? Will God do nothing about it? Many people tend to assume that the existence of evil argues against the existence of God. Birnbaum on page 84 says that “Where did it all come from ? (question of 5-year-old). Why is there anything at all ? ( 5 year-old in Private School kindergarten). What are the origins of the cosmos? (Cosmogony).” This explains that even kids wonder where things come from. I remember that I started to believe in God at age of 5. The church explained about how bad evil is. But, it never explained why we believe in God. Why God allow us to suffer. All I knew was evil was not a good thing.

There always has been mysterious questions of God and evil and if there is God, what his plan for all humankind that humans never have fully understood. Although we question why there is evil, no one could answer to it properly. In this book, Cosmic Womb of Potential, Birnbaum promises to elaborate the answer and solution to these questions.

우리가 가지고있는 질문중 가장 논란이 되는 질문은 악마의 문제이다. 왜 악마가 있다면 신이 있는걸까? 왜 신은 우리가 고통스러움을 받는것을 허락하셨는가? 신은 이런것에대해 어떻게 할것인가 ? 많은 사람들은 악마가 존재하기때문에 신은 존재하지 않을것이라고 추측하곤 한다. 범바움은 이 책의 페이지 84쪽에서 모든것은 어디로서부터 오는가 (5살짜리 아이가묻는 질문)? 왜 이런것들 조차가 있지? (5살짜리 사립유치원 학생)? 우주의 시작은 어디서 부터인가? 라고 한다. 이것들은 심지어 꼬마 아이들이 모든것이 어디로서 부터 오는지를 궁금해하는지에 대해 설명한다. 내가 5살때쯤에 나는 교회를 가서 신을 믿기 시작한것이 기억난다. 교회에서는 얼마나 악마가 나쁜지에대해 설명했다.

하지만 교회는 정확히 왜 나쁘고 왜 신과 악마가 있는지에대해서 제대로 설명하진 못했다. 우리가 아무리 질문을 해도 누구도 제대로 대답하지 못하였다. 이책에서 범바움은 답과 해답을 찾아줄것이다. 신과 악마에대한 미스테리어스한 질문은 항상 존재해왔고 그것에대해 우리는 항상 완전히 깨닫지는 못하였다.

Birnbaum will explains it via BETA: The Cosmic “Tool Kit”
on page 87.
