Internal Healing

In God’s 120 Guardian Angles on page 145, internal healing is well described.

– 95 –

Guardian Angel of INTERNAL HEALING

I am the internal healer
나는 내부적인 치유자이다
I help mend souls
나는 영혼을 고치는걸 도운다

often it takes very substantial time
대체적으로 이것은 상당한 시간이 걸린다

many, many decades

for abuse wreaks very serious damage
그러나 잘못사용되면, 큰 부상일 것이다
the road to recovery must be navigated very carefully
회복되로면 조심스럽게 다뤄져야 한다
and very diligently
매우 부지런히

the protagonist must have an indomitable will
주인공은 불구의 의지를 가져야만 한다

then, we have a fighting chance
그리고 우리는 싸움의 기회를 가진다
then I can practice my profession
그러면 나의 직업을 연습할수 있다
then I can help with the timing of the moves
그러면 나는 움직임의 시간을 도울수 있다
then, it is a race against time
그러면 이것은 시간을 거스른 경기이다

and a lifetime is more-often-than-not insufficient time
그리고 삶의 시간은 매우 충분한 시간이다

often they see what mortal men cannot;
그들은 종종 언젠가는 죽는 사람이 할수 없는것을 본다;

they carry 2-ton weights on their shoulders,
그들은 2톤의 무게를 그들의 어깨로 든다

they are my charge
그들은 나의 충전
where they go, I go
그들이 가는곳마다, 나는 간다
tucked into their core
그들의 증심에 껴서

I’m along for the journey
나는 여행에 참가한다
along for the duration
기간에 참가한다
god is embarrassed to look them in the eye
그들을 똑바로 보기가 창피 한다
the cosmos has let them down
우주는 그들을 남겨두었다
deprived them of their rightful due
그들의 권력을 ㄱ빼앗다
made them suffer for all humanity’s shortcomings
그들이 인간의 결점에 대해 고통을 겪게 했다

I am their internal healer
나는 내부적인 치유자이다
the work is not easy
일은 쉽지 않다
fixing shattered glass would be an easier task
산산조각이난 유리를 고치는것이 좀더 쉬운 일일것이다
for, the glass has not been betrayed
그러나 그 유리는 배반되지 않을 것이다

the Cumulative Consciousness impacting

– 107 –


We are all interconnected
우리는 모두 서로 연결 되어있다
Across the planet
전세계에 걸쳐
And on some level, through time
그리고 어니 레벨에서, 시간을 통해
The Cumulative Consciousness…
누적되는 의식
flows throughout the cosmos
우주를 통해 흐른다
all part of a large miasmic sea
모든 큰고 해로운 바다들 부분의
of consciousness
And when critical mass of consciousness is attained,
그리고 의식에대해 비판적일때,
humanity takes a leap forward and onwards
인류는 계속 진행할것이다
it is the Cumulative Consciousness impacting
이것은 누적 의식 효과이다
critical cosmic and evolutionary decisions
비판적인 우주와 진화의 결정들

Remembrance is important

– 79 –

Guardian Angel of Remembrance

the baton is handed on…
지휘봉이 넘겨지다
generation to generation…
대대로 이어진…

father to son, father to son
부모에서 자식으로, 부모에서 자식으로

the ‘shalshelet’, the chain
그 ‘shalshelet’, 그 사슬
but, within proportion, the past must be remembered
하지만, 비율안에서, 과거는 기억되야한다

and sometimes sanctified
그리고 가끔 정당화되어야 한다
for to do otherwise, would negate their contribution
그렇게 하지않으면, 그들의 기여는 없어지게 될거다
to ascending knowledge, spirituality, consciousness
지식, 정식적, 의식을 전달 하기 위해
to civilization’s advance

therefore, while everything has its measure
그러므로, 모든게 그것에 맞는 크기가 있듯이

Remembrance is important
기억은 중요하다

But like all matters, with appropriate measure
하지만 중요한건, 적당한 크기

Fear could weaken your capability

It seems like, worry, doubt and fear is a very common thing these days.
Many people tend to worry that this and that may happen. For example,
I think I fear and worry too much about my future. I just graduated from college,
so getting a job as a recent-graduate is hard. The fear does not help me at all.
It makes me lose confidence. A lot of people are worried about their future,
their financial situation, that their husband or wife may leave them,
that they may get ill, have a terrible accident…

I think that ,of course, fear is sometimes good to have in order to motivate
yourself to pull ahead. But, fearing a lot would distract your future.
You may give up before trying out something that you want in your life.

According to God’s 120 Guardian Angels on page 82, he says “FEAR wears many faces, Freedom from FEAR.”

– 28 –

Guardian Angel of FEAR

FEAR – can cripple
공포 – 는 심각한 손상을 줄수 있다

FEAR – the sirens go off
공포 – 싸이렌이 꺼지다

FEAR – crushes
공포 – 부딪히다

I am just the MESSENGER
나는 그저 메신저일뿐
I am not the culprit
난 범인이 아니다

Too little fear – and the defenses are down
너무 작은 공포 – 그리고 방어를 내려라
Too much fear – and paralysis sets in
너무 작은 공포 – 그리고 마비가 온다

but a touch of fear…
하지만 공포는…
can provide drive and energy and focus
구동, 에너지, 그리고 집중을 제공할수 있다

one must ride fear like a galloping stallion
누군가는 급속히 전진하는 승마같은 공포를 가져야 한다

and not be thrown by the horse…
말들에 의해 내 팽겨지는 것 말고…

FEAR wears many faces
공포는 나를 우울하게 한다
공포로 부터의 자유

If only we could get to that point
만약 우리가 그 포인트에 도달할수 있다면
I fear we never may
우리가 도달할수 없을까 두렵다
I try to TAME fear
나는 공포를 다스리도록 노력한다

To keep it in it’s cage
새장안에 두려고 노력한다

For, if let loose…
FEAR was surmounted at the Genesis point
공포는 기원의 포인트에서 극복된다

Fear of failure, death, disaster, embarrassment
실패, 죽음, 재앙, 민망함의 공포
Fear was trumped by HOPE
희망에의해 공포는 사라질수 있다

Tough Love

– 72 –

Guardian Angel of TOUGH LOVE

I am the Guardian Angel of TOUGH LOVE
나는 냉정한 사랑의 가디언 엔젤이다

now, my friends, we wish to produce gems
지금, 내 친구들, 우리는 보석을 생산하길 히망한다

multi-faceted gems, which sparkle
많은 면을 가진 보석, 빛이나는
now – and 75 years from now
지금 – 그리고 75년 후에
not princes and princesses – who will inevitably leave
예상대로 떠날 공주들 그리고 왕자들이 아닌
pain and destruction in their wakes
그들의 깨어남에서의 고통과 파괴

kindly do not live under any illusion that pampering will
애지중지 하는 환상속에서 살지 않는다면
produce a good result
좋은 결과를 만들것이다

and no physical please, no trauma
그리고 신체적이지 않는, 정신적이지 않는
nice and gentle – but firm
좋은 – 그러나 확실한
gentle and firm – until you drop
부드럽고 확실한 – 우리가 떨어트릴때까지

and, as an aside, please send correct signals vis-a-vis
그리고, 제발 적절한 싸인을 보내라

생활 수준

try not to mess up, please
망가뜨리려 하지 말아라, 제발

and lead by example, please
예를 따라가라, 제발
and most definitely do not come crying to me later
확실한건 나중에 나가에 울러 오지말아라

I really, truly will not be receptive
나는 정말로, 진심으로 수용적이지 않을것이다

you have been clearly alerted and forewarned
너는 충분히 미리 경고 받았다
go now… here come the kids… nice, firm, and gentle,
어서 가라… 여기 아이들이 온다… 좋고, 확실하며, 부드러운,

Listen like a baby

Listening! How well you listen has a significant influence on your life.
It could lead you to become aware of your existence. I definitely agree
that listening to others even to yourself is not an easy thing. In fact
most of the time, I think that I remember probably 40 to 50 percent of
what I hear. This means that when I talk to my boss, co-workers, customers,
friends and family for 30 minutes, I only pay attention to less than half
of the conversation. I often ask people the same question that I asked before.
After getting the answer from the people, I realize that I heard that before.
I am sure many of you are as same as me.

According to God’s 120 Guardian Angels on page 125, “listen like a baby –
with the sensory gates wide open – and you will be rewarded with extraordinary
treasure…” I think that listening is a skill that we can all improve.
Like Birnbaum said, “just listen,” then you will receive extraordinary treasure;
improving your productivity and ability to influence, persuade, and negotiate.

– 73a –

Guardian Angle of AWARENESS (half-brother of SENSITIVITY)


just listen
단지 들어라

listen like a baby – with the sensory gates wide open –
아기처럼 들어라 – 감각의 문을 활짝 열고 –
and you will be rewarded with extraordinary treasure…
그러면 너는 거대한 상을 받을 것이다…

allow your entire system to listen,
너의 모든 시스템이 듣도록 해라,
to hear what is being said
뭐라고 말하는지 듣기위해
hear what they are TRYING to say
그들이 뭐라고 말하려 하는지 듣기위해

then hear what your own system is saying
그리고 너 자신의 시스템이 뭐라 말하는지 들아라
hear what your body is saying
너의 몸이 말하는것을 들어라
hear what your emotions are saying
너늬 감정들이 말하는것을 들어라

listen – and you will prevail
들어라 – 그리고 너는 만연할 것이다

listen – and the world is yours
들어라 – 그러면 세상은 너희들 것이다

Reaching a far away land

– 82 –


add a little spice to your life drama
너의 인생에 약간의 양념을 더해라
see how the other half lives
그리고 다른반쪽이 어떻게 사는지 봐라
see how we’ve done in the other districts
다른 구역에서 우리가 어떻게 했는지 봐라
visit your 35th-cousins
너의 35번째 친척들을 방문해라
get a move on break that inertia
make it happen
이것이 일어나도록 해라
bring a good digital
좋은 디지털을 가져와라
but what is happening in this picture?
하지만 무엇이 이 그림에서 일어나는가?
probably more than the author realizes…
아마 그 작가가 깨닫는것 보다 더…

Escape and be free

I think freedom is an important matter because it helps to increase expressions of creativity and original thought,
a fertile mind, and an overall high quality of life. You would be controlled without freedom. For example, your
mind and speech will be controlled. People should express themselves and find their way in life to be happier.
Also, long time ago our ancestors sacrificed themselves to gain freedom for the future generations of their families.
We should not forget what they achieved, but respect and follow in their footsteps.

According to God’s 120 Guardian Angles on page 135, it describes how important escape is. I think that to be free
we should escape from “tyranny, persecution, tormentors, checkmate, quagmire and void” as if Birnbaum said.

– 86 –

Guardian Angel of ESCAPE

escape from tyranny!
escape from persecution!
escape from tormentors

escape from checkmate!
escape from a quagmire!

escape from the void!

trust me, it wasn’t easy

The Assassin

– 84 –

Guardian Angel of THE ASSASSIN

I change the course of history –
나는 역사를 바군다
instantaneously all bets are off
즉각적으로 모든 내기는 끝난다
do not be smug
의기양양해 하지 말아라
you cannot stop me – if I am prepared to die
너는 나를 멈출수 없다 – 만약 내가 죽길 준비했다면
and I AM prepared to die
나는 죽는걸 각오한다

I have but one raison d’être
나는 그럴만한 이유가있다
to smite with one stroke
한획을 그을수 있는

I am a guided missile
나는 가이드가 안내하는 미사일이다
and I will wreck the best-laid plans
그리고 나는 최고의 계획을 강타 할 것 있다
and best-laid kingdoms
그리고 최고의 왕국
and best-laid tyrannies
그리고 최고의 압제

but, trust me,
하지만, 나를 믿어라,
I’m not all that picky
나는 그리 까다롭지 않다

Life in the iron mill

People work hard for their families. Yes, in Asia, parents work very hard to afford a good college for their kids. They do everything they can do to support their children. I am very thankful to my parents. According to Birnbaum, he says on page 112  that “we just want to provide for our families.” Parents are unconditionally working for their families.

                                 – 58 –

Guardian Angel of IRON MILL WORKERS

we work
우리는 일한다
long, long hours
in harsh conditions and often-extreme heat
어려운 환경과 아주 더운 열 속에서
in considerable danger
꽤 위험한공간에서

we just want to provide for our families
우리는 단지 우리의 가족을 위해 일한다
we give it our best
우리는 최선을 다한다

just like our fathers before us did
우리가 그러기전 우리 아버지들이 그랬던것 처럼
day after day
year after year

hoping that we do not see that dreaded pink slip
해고 통지서를 받지 안기를 희망한다

pass me that beer, will ya’
그 맥주를 줘라, 그렇게 하겟냐’