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APPENDIX Z64: Q4P & Natural Selection

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 3:06 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z64: Q4P & Natural Selection.
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APPENDIX Z64: Q4P ∞ & Natural Selection Q4P ∞ & Natural Selection The Mechanism/Criteria Quest for Potential is basically three-fold/nested. Survival ( Potential ( Extraordinariation To the extent that Natural Selection is correct, Q4P ∞ “selects” among so-to-speak mutations and impacts evolution basically via the following 3 fundamental nested criteria: 1) Survival of the ttest/ablest […]

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APPENDIX Z63: Paradigm Challenges

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 3:02 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z63: Paradigm Challenges.
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APPENDIX Z63: Paradigm Challenges Comments on Wikipedia review of the 1962 classic, The Structure of Scientic Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn (Univ. Of Chicago Press) [Note that Birnbaum proposes a new paradigm metaphysics, not a new paradigm scientic theory; however, the Birnbaum metaphysics fully wraps-around and integrates-with science.] Note to reader: We are going to […]

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APPENDIX Z62: 2010: Cosmologist Haisch Clones Summa I

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 2:59 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z62: 2010: Cosmologist Haisch Clones Summa I.
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APPENDIX Z62: 2010: Cosmologist Haisch *** Clones Summa I (copyrighted & published 1988) “The purpose I propose that life has is a grand one, and even, I think, a logical one. We are the means whereby God experiences his own potential, and this is why the Universe has some of the amazing properties conducive to […]

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APPENDIX Z61: 2010: Cosmologists Hawking and Mlodinow

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 2:55 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z61: 2010: Cosmologists Hawking and Mlodinow.
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APPENDIX Z61: 2010: Cosmologists Hawking and Mlodinow *** “We each exist for but a short time, and in that time explore but a small part of the whole universe. But humans are a curious species. We wonder, we seek answers. Living in this vast world that is by turns kind and cruel, and gazing at […]

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APPENDIX Z60: 2008: Cosmologist Paul Davies

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 2:53 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z60: 2008: Cosmologist Paul Davies.
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APPENDIX Z60: 2008: Cosmologist Paul Davies *** “…Somehow the universe has engineered, not just its own awareness, but also its own comprehension. Mindless, blundering atoms have conspired to make not just life, not just mind, but understanding…. Could it just be a uke? Might the fact that the deepest level of reality has connected to […]

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APPENDIX Z59: 2006: Quantum Computation Theorist Seth Lloyd

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 2:52 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z59: 2006: Quantum Computation Theorist Seth Lloyd.
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APPENDIX Z59: 2006: Quantum Computation Theorist Seth Lloyd *** The universe is a quantum computer “The universe computes its own behavior. * As soon as the universe began, it began computing. At rst the patterns it produced were simple, comprising elementary particles and establishing the fundamental laws of physics. In time, as it processed more […]

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APPENDIX Z58: 2006: Cosmologist Leonard Susskind

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 2:45 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z58: 2006: Cosmologist Leonard Susskind.
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APPENDIX Z58: 2006: Cosmologist Leonard Susskind *** “For my own tastes, elegance and simplicity can sometimes be found in principles that don’t at all lend themselves to equations. I know of no equations that are more elegant than the two principles that underpin Darwin’s theory: random mutation and competition. This book is about an organizing […]

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APPENDIX Z57: 2004: Cosmologists Tyson & Goldsmith

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 2:44 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z57: 2004: Cosmologists Tyson & Goldsmith.
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APPENDIX Z57: 2004: Cosmologists Tyson & Goldsmith *** “Every once in a while, however, a signicantly new take on an important theory emerges…. The greatest moments in scientic history have arisen, and will always arise, when a new explanation, perhaps coupled with new observational results, produces a seismic shift in our conclusions about the workings […]

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APPENDIX Z56: 2000: Cosmologist Brian Greene

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 2:43 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z56: 2000: Cosmologist Brian Greene.
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APPENDIX Z56: 2000: Cosmologist Brian Greene *** “The search for the fundamental laws of the universe is a distinctly human drama, one that has stretched the mind and enriched the spirit… We are all, each in our own way, seekers of the truth and we each long for an answer to why we are here. […]

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APPENDIX Z55: 1999: Cosmologist Martin Rees

Published on 24 Jun 2016 at 2:41 pm. Comments Off on APPENDIX Z55: 1999: Cosmologist Martin Rees.
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APPENDIX Z55: 1999: Cosmologist Martin Rees Noted astrophysicist and cosmologist Martin Rees (b. 1942, England, and President of the Royal Society 2005-2010) noted the following in the nale of his 1999 work “Just Six Numbers”:*** “But it remains a fundamental challenge to understand the very beginning – this must await a ‘nal’ theory…. Such a […]

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